Sunday, August 16, 2020

Chapter 4

Matt had come through the racers entrance. He had gotten there early on purpose. He had heard through the grapevine that Tori was still here and he wanted to see if he could find her. Matt hadn’t seen Tori in about four years and he didn’t know what to expect.

He had spent that time in Europe with his dad, who drove Formula One, racing and gaining experience. About two years after being in Europe, his dad had crashed and died. Matt stayed with the team for two more years, but in his heart he really wanted to drive NASCAR, so he came back to the U.S.
He managed to get on with a small circuit team to gain experience in driving stock cars. Also, he chose the small circuit since Tori’s dad still owned one, ensuring that he would eventually cross Tori’s path, and since it was one step down from NASCAR. A lot of scouts for major sponsors came to these tracks looking for the next Dale Earnhardt or Richard Petty.

Matt headed towards Tori’s garage. As he came up from behind the building, coming around the side, he heard voices. He peeked around the corner and saw Tori, her dad, and Joey, whom he remembered from before. Then he saw the little boy as Tori turned sideways to face her dad, and set the child on the ground. A kid. She had a kid. Obviously, the things they said when they were young didn’t seem to mean anything to her. When they said they would wait for each other, he supposed that it was said in the heat of the moment.

He peeked again and saw her dad, Joey and the boy walk off. He watched Tori sit down and stare off into space. The dog moved closer to her. She said something then just started bawling. It sounded so heartbroken it almost made him cry. He shifted his weight a bit causing some noise. She looked up and he flattened himself against the wall hoping she didn’t come over to investigate. 

After a few minutes of silence he looked again and she was gone.

Matt walked off back to his crew. He had so many questions going through his mind. The boy. Tori crying. He decided now was not the time to see Tori. He wondered about the boy. Was she married or not? Why was she crying? He shook his head as he walked away.

After walking into the garage I heard my stomach growl. I patted my belly and said to Rufus, "Hey boy. I’m hungry. Let’s go into town and get some breakfast."

Rufus licked his chops and said, "Woof!"

I grabbed my keys, locked up the garage, and walked to my truck, opening the passenger door for Rufus. I said ‘truck dog’ and he jumped up onto the seat. I rolled down the window and shut the door before walking to my side of the truck. I climbed up, started the engine and drove towards the back entrance, where the drivers and their rigs came in and out. 

I saw Dan, who watched the gate. I pulled up to the booth and he said, "Hey Tori. On your way out?"

"Hey Dan. Yeah, I am on my way to town if anyone asks. I am going over to the diner for some breakfast. Do you want me to deliver any loves words for you?" Dan was married to Anne who waitresses over at the diner and who was my best friend.

Dan blushed and said, "Tori! You always manage to catch me off guard." He shook his head, smiled, and replied, "Just tell her I’ll be over later for lunch," as he lifted the bar and said, "See ya later."

I waved and Rufus and I headed into town.

I parked the truck in front of the diner and picked a table by the window to keep an eye on the dog just in case he decided to take a walk around town. I sat down and Anne came over, pouring me some coffee and said, "Hi Hon. How are you?"

"Fine, Anne. How are you?" I asked.

"Busy, as you can see. What can I get you?" She asked as she tucked a stray strand of dark hair back behind her ear, looking a little frazzled.

"The usual and can I get an extra side of sausage and bacon for Rufus?"

"Sure, Hon," she said as she wrote on her little pad.

"Oh and Dan said Hi and that he’ll be over for lunch."

"Thanks." Anne smiled and walked off to turn in my order.

I got up and went to get a paper so I would have something to read while I waited for my food. About ten minutes later Anne brought my food over and said, "Give me a few minutes and I can take a break and come visit."

"OK. I am just going to walk this out to Rufus and I will be right back." I took Rufus his treat, which was gone before I could shut the door. "Did you even taste that?" I asked. “You stay and be a good boy." I went back in and started to eat my own food."

I was almost done when Anne came over and sat down. "Whew," she said, "the rush is finally over."

"I’m glad you could come over and visit," I said.

"I know. And you don’t come to town often enough. You always hide yourself out at the track," she said in mock admonishment.

"It is racing season so things are busy," I said, knowing it was a weak excuse. I would just rather stay close to home and avoid all the looks and stares I still got sometimes.

Anne understood and said, changing the subject, "Did you hear?"

"Hear what?" I asked eating the last bite of eggs.

"Matt’s back," she said softly.

I choked on my eggs, coughing, and reaching for my water glass.

"I’m sorry," Anne said, I didn’t meant to catch you off guard. "I figured you already knew and would confirm it."

Finally catching my breath, I said weakly, "No. I did not know."

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