Sunday, August 16, 2020

Chapter 1


Tori is the female character…I always write it so you, the reader, can pretend to be the main character.
Matt is Jon.

Big Joe is Richie.

Little Joe….is named after the song Joey from Bounce (even tho he isn’t slow. Just that I was writing this when the CD came out and liked the feel of loyalty from the song).

The rest is fiction.

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I walked across the empty parking lot towards one of the gates that took me inside the raceway. Walking through one of the tunnels running under the bleachers, I came out of the tunnel to overlook the racetrack. It never failed to bring on a jolt of excitement every time I saw the track. I stopped for a second to watch the sun trying to come up over the opposite bleachers, enjoying the beautiful golden glow, despite the darkness still shrouding the track.

I moved on, walking down a set of stairs, going through another gate and out onto the track heading towards the infield. I had a lot to do before the races started for the day. I passed all the individual pit areas for the racers, heading towards our garage. Taking out my keys I unlocked the doors and threw up one of the floor to ceiling rolling doors, leaving the other closed. I had a carburetor to finish on one car and a timing belt on another.

I had been doing this all my life. Dad had owned the track for as long as I could remember. I have been jonesin’ after cars since I could walk. My mom passed away when I was young leaving my dad to raise me. Cars and racing is all I know. I dabbled in go-carts when I was younger, but found I had a talent for fixing cars. (Think of the movie Six Pack with Kenny the character Doc..the young kid)

Racing is a hard sport for women. The track offered special races for women only drivers consisting of mostly local women and wives and girlfriends of the regular drivers. I drove in these sometimes when I felt the need for speed.

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