Sunday, August 16, 2020

Chapter 6 The End

Tori was silent on the way home, talking only to answer her son’s naturally inquisitive question. I can’t believe I lost it like that, I thought. I had planned to just act like nothing happened between Matt and I, to just be friends. But he had to go accuse her of cheating or something, and all she really wanted was to lean on him. To have him hold her once again and make her world normal. But that can never be. I sighed and decided to let it go for now.

About a week later, Matt followed Tori into town. Yeah, he knew it was sort of low down, but she seemed to have disappeared off the face of the earth. Every time he went by the shop she was gone or on an errand or up at the house. She had gone into a drug store. A few minutes later he went in and spotted her by the greeting card section. He was all set to head over there when he overheard two old women two isles over.

"I can’t believe she is still around," one old lady huffed.

"I know. After what happened, her father should have shipped her to distant relative or something, to avoid the shame," the other crone cackled.

"She should have put the baby up for adoption instead of bringing the bastard here," the first one spewed out in ignorance.

Matt stood there, stunned at the women’s nastiness, when all of a sudden one of them tooted. They giggled. Matt smiled in wickedness and decided payback is a bitch. He walked over to the two ladies and said, "Good one." They sputtered in indignation and embarrassment and walked off. Serves then right, he thought. He reached the isle he thought Tori was in and found her gone. Damn.

Though, what those old biddies said gave him some food for thought. Maybe he had it all wrong about Tori. They seemed to imply that something other than Tori not waiting for him had happened. Maybe he should give her the benefit of the doubt. He found a flowery card that was blank in side and took it up to the cash register to purchase.

He walked over to the diner and was seated at a booth.

The waitress said, "Hi Matt. You probably don’t remember me."

He looked up and said, "You’re Anne. Tori’s friend,"

"I am," she smiled pouring him some coffee. "What brings you to town?" Even though she already knew.

Matt suspected she was fishing for information, but played it cool. "I am racing here in the US. My dad raced formula one, but my first love is NASCAR. And to get there I have to start on the smaller tracks. I am trying to gain experience and to get noticed." He thanked her for the coffee and asked, "So what have you been up to since I left?"

"I got married to Dan. He works out at the track."

"I will have to make sure I say hi to him," Matt replied. "I’ve seen Tori a few times at the track since I’ve been back, but I haven’t had a chance to say hi." Matt was fairly confident that Tori hadn’t said anything about their confrontation the other day and was hoping she hadn’t told Anne. "So what has she been up to?"

"Oh. My. Look at the time. I didn’t realize how long I had been sitting here chit chatting. What can I get you to eat Matt?" She said hurriedly.

Matt took that as a no and said, "Can I get eggs over easy, some bacon and sausage and toast?"

"Sure. I will be back shortly with your order." And she skeedaddled off to put in his order and help her other customers. He was more intrigued than ever. He filled out the card while he was waiting for his food. He decided an apologetic, I still want to be friends, and I am here if you want to talk approach might be a better way to go.

Anne had brought him his food and he ate in silence. When he was finished he said good bye to Anne, and handed her the card and asked her to give it to Tori for him. He left before she could say no
It was late the next day before Anne came to the garage and handed Tori the card.

"Hi, Anne. How are you? What brings you out here?" I asked, looking up from some welding that I was doing.

"I brought Dan his dinner and I wanted to stop by and say hi."

She looked like there was more on her mind, so I asked, "You look like you have something on your mind besides just saying HI."

She looked a bit sheepish, reached into her pocket and pulled out a card. "Here."

I took it and said, "It’s not my birthday."

"It’s not from me," she said.

Curious, I opened it. I scanned the contents; my face looking like a storm just blew in.

"So, what does it say?" Anne asked, the suspense killing her.

I pulled down the welders mask, turned the flame on and set it to the card, watching it burn for a few seconds before dropping it into an empty metal trash can. "It didn’t say anything that I wanted to hear."


"Sorry, Anne. I love you like a sister but this is between him and I. And I have nothing to say." Wanting to change the subject, I asked, "How is Dan? What did your magic fingers make him for dinner?"

Anne, resigned to not knowing, for now, said, "Just the roast beef special from the diner."

"Mmmm, sounds good. Which reminds me, I haven’t eaten. Do you want to come with me over to the house? You could see Joey while I eat?"

"No. I think I am going to go. I have some things to do at home before Dan gets home." She hugged me and left.

I went up to the house to get something to eat anyway. Later I had gone back to the garage to clean up and lock up. Dad, Big Joe and Little Joey had gone to town for ice cream.

I heard a noise and Rufus growled. I looked into the shadows at the back of the garage and said, "Who’s there?" as I clenched my hand around a very large wrench. Rufus stood and leaned against my leg, his chest rumbling.
I saw the body come into the light and saw it was Matt. Inwardly I was so happy to see him, but outwardly I chose not to show it. I was still upset about all of this since the fishing trip.

"What do you want. I am closed. Come back during business hours," I said coldly.

"I see your disposition hasn’t changed," he said. Coming closer, he asked softly, "Did you get my card?"

"I did. I filed it over there," I said pointing to the trashcan. I studiously avoided looking at him, cause he would probably see right through me.

He walked up to me, grabbed my arm and spun me around. "Alright. I get that somehow I pissed you off. Tell me, what did I do wrong? What did I say that was so wrong? If I did something bad, tell me. I will try to fix it. I’ll apologize for it. What! Just stop fucking ignoring me."

I jerked my hand out of his arm and walked off a little bit. "I am not yours to bully. I am pissed because you accused me of not waiting,” I emphasized sarcastically. “You have no idea what has happened in my life and no right to accuse me of anything. I am sure you were not pure while you were gone, but you don’t see me berating you."

Matt sighed. "Then tell me Tori. Tell me what I need to know. Tell me so I can stop screwing up in your eyes." He looked at me. His eyes pleading. I could never hold out for long.

With my eyes on the floor, and my cheeks suffused in red from embarrassment and such a feeling of being no good and dirty, I whispered, "I was raped." I stood there wishing the floor would open up and swallow me.

"What?" He asked, not wanting to believe what he was hearing.

I took it wrong and thought he was not believing me, like I was lying. "I WAS RAPED!!! OK?! Are you satisfied that I have humiliated myself to you?!" I clapped my hands over my mouth. I had never told any one else outside of the people who knew. I was so embarrassed and upset that I ran out of the garage, not really paying attention to were I was going. I cried. Tears streaming down my face. I barely heard him yelling my name as he ran after me, Rufus trailing along, barking, not sure what to do, if this man was friend or foe.
Maybe, subconsciously, or on purpose, I don’t know, but I ended up at our tree. I couldn’t run any farther, as it felt like my heart would just leap out of my chest. I sat down panting and practically choking from trying to catch my breath and crying.

Matt and Rufus found her lying on her side head face buried in her arms, crying like the world was coming to an end. Seeing as how Rufus didn’t seem inclined to eat him, he sat down next to Tori, trying to say something comforting, but settled for rubbing her arm for a second.

"Go away," I mumbled, though not putting up a fight. I didn’t have any fight left.

"Tori, I don’t know what to say. I am sorry for the way I treated you. I never should have assumed anything. I was hurt when I saw Joey. I thought you had gone straight to someone else right after I left. Joey is about the right age." Matt tugged on her till she was sitting up and he was holding her in his arms and rubbing her back. Her sobbing was slowing down to some sniffles and hiccups.

"Baby, sweetheart. Please tell me what happened. I want to understand."

I wrapped my arms around Matt. It felt so good to have someone strong hold me so I didn’t have to be strong. I proceeded to tell Matt everything from that night that I could remember. It had happened right after him and his dad had left and I was walking back home in the dark. I had never seen or heard the person again so he was never caught. "I will never forget the tattoo on his hand or his voice as long as I live," I said vehemently. "But, Joey does not know. I do not want him to grow up with some stigma. Maybe I will let him know when he is older." I looked at Matt. "Promise me you will not tell him."

"Oh, God! Tori. I am so sorry. You have my word I won’t tell Joey. I never stopped loving you." He leaned down and kissed me hugging me tightly.

"Oh, Matt. Love me. Love me back to life," I pleaded, pulling him down for another kiss, willing him to love me and never let me go again.

The End.

Chapter 5

"Have you told…." She started.

"No," I interrupted.

"But he should…" she tried.



"Anne, please. Don’t tell him. Promise me." I said emphatically.

"He should know," she said.

"IF and WHEN I tell him, it will come from me. Between my family and this town, I will never be able to forget," I said sadly. I pulled out some money and left it on the table. "Thanks, Anne, for the visit. I will talk to you later."

She stood up and gave me a hug. "I am sorry. I didn’t mean to…"

"I know, Anne. You’re my best friend," I said, leaving the diner and heading out to the truck and then home.

When I got back home, I decided I did not want to be around the track today because I just did not want to chance running into Matt. I was not in the mood to try to explain away the last four years. I saw that there was no one at the house, so having decided to take Joey fishing down at the local pond, I gathered up our fishing gear, packed some food and drove over to the garage to see if they were there.

I walked up to my dad, who was talking to an old racing buddy and said, "Hey Dad. What’s up?"

He turned to me and said, "Hi sweetie. Doug and I are just standing here chewing the fat. You remember Doug don’t you?"

"I do. Hi Doug. How are you?"

"I’m fine Tori. How are you?"

"I’m good. Dad, where is Joey?"

"He is in the back with Joe. They are working on one of the race cars that just came in."

"Thanks Dad," I said as I walked into the back. I came up to Little Joe and asked, "Hey little man, what are you doing?"

He looked at me and said, "I am helping Big Joey with this car. I am handing him the tools. He says it is a very important job."

"It is. I am very proud of you. I came to ask if you wanted to take a break and go fishing?"

"I want to go," he said in childish exuberance. He looked at Big Joe and asked, "Can I go?"

"Of course, big guy. Go. Maybe you can catch me a fish," Big Joe said.

Little Joey whooped for joy, hopped down, and grabbed my hand, saying, "Come on, mom, hurry." 

So the two of us got in the truck, along with Rufus in the back, and went fishing.

Matt had just gotten to the garage when he saw Tori drive off. He saw two fishing poles sticking out of the back of the truck, guessing she was on her way to go fishing. Matt walked up to Tori’s dad and said, "Hi Mr. Peterson."

"Hi, Matt. Heard you were back. Sorry to hear about your dad. He was a fine man."

"Thank you Mr. Peterson. Was that Tori I just saw?"

"Yes it was," Mr. Peterson said, not offering up any other information. "What brings you to the garage?"

"Joe is doing some last minute adjustments on my car. My crew chief wanted a second opinion on some things. I was just coming by to see how things were going."

"Terrific. Joe is in the back now. You can go on in."

Matt walked into the garage, his eyes adjusting to the dimness, and saw Joe bent over his car.

"Hey Joe. What’s the verdict?"

"It seems ok. Your crew chief is a good guy. Smart. His ideas on the adjustments are the same as what I would have done. It is ready any time."

"Great. I will have my guys come pick up the car." He put his hand out to shake Joe’s hand, said goodbye and went back to his trailer. He figured it was a good day to go fishing for a great many things. He grabbed his gear and told his crew chief he could go get the car any time. When asked where he was going, Matt replied, as he got in the truck, "I have a big fish to catch." And drove to the only fishing hole within fifty miles.

Tori and her son were sitting on a log close to the edge of the water. Little Joe asked, "Mom, can you put this worm on my hook?"

I took the big, fat, squiggly worm and said, "Of course," and started to bait his hook. All of a sudden, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a figure walk up and sit a few feet away on a tree stump. My heart started pounding, sweat broke out on my forehead and my hands started shaking. I poked my finger on the hook and said, "Damn!"

"Mommy, you said a bad word," Joey said.

"I know, baby. I’m sorry. I poked my finger and it hurt. I should have said shoot or darn," I said, wiping the dirt from the worm off my finger. I was about to put it in my mouth to suck away the blood, when a handkerchief magically appeared in front of my face.

"Here. Use this," the voice said. The voice I had never forgotten. The voice I heard only in my dreams.

"Mommy, the nice man gave you a hankie to put on your finger."

"I see, sweetheart. I suppose I should thank the nice man," I replied. I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked up. He had changed a bit. He had grown up into a man. The only thing still reminiscent was his wavy blonde hair and his amazing limpid pool blue eyes. The lump was refusing to go down making me want to cry. Damn if I cry in front of him.

Since I didn’t take the handkerchief right away, Matt reached for my hand and wrapped it around my injury. "There, that should do it."

Before I could say anything my son jumped in. "My name is Joey. What’s yours?" Asked my inquisitive son.

"My name is Matt. It’s nice to meet you Joey," Matt said, putting out his hand to shake.

My son put his small hand in Matt’s and shook hands like a little man. "It is nice to meet you too," he said with a winning smile on his face. "Do you know my mom?" He asked. Asking the questions all innocent children will ask whether the parent want them to or not.

"I do," he said. "We used to know each other a long time ago when my dad used to race at the track."

"Cool," Joey said, his attention changing directions. "I am fishing," he said.

"I see," said Matt. "Have you caught anything?"

His little face fell a bit and he said, "Not yet."

"I have a trick that might work. Stay right here. I will be right back. Do you mind if I have your mom come with me and help for a sec? Will you be ok?"

"Sure. I am a big boy."

Meanwhile I sat there like the proverbial bump on a log-cat got my tongue, while he conversed with my son like they were best friends. Matt reached out so I could take his hand and he could help me up. I ignored it and stood up. He shrugged and started towards his truck fully expecting my to follow, which I did.

As Matt got a small paper cup out of the front of his truck and walked around and lifted the hood of his truck he said, "I see you wasted no time after I left," he said wanting her to feel as bad as he did, thinking she hadn’t waited for him.

"Excuse me?" I asked, feeling my hackles raising.

"The boy. I thought we were going to wait for each other," He said with this macho accusing tone. I watched, with my mouth hanging open for a sec, as he put a bit of diesel oil in the paper cup.

"I don’t know who you think you are to accuse me of anything." I walked over to him as he straightened up from under the hood, and fired, "You know nothing of my situation." By this time I was poking him in the chest and he had a stunned look on his face. "I do not have to explain myself to you. EVER!" I can’t believe he would stand there and accuse me of not waiting. He wasn’t there. He didn’t know anything. I started to walk off, then turned back. "Stay away from me and my son." I walked back to my son.

Matt followed anyway, ignoring me and kneeled by my son, wanting to finish what he started. "Here, try this. It is a trick my pa showed me." Matt dipped the hook in the oil and then cast it back into the water, and a few seconds later a big ole catfish was wrestling with my son at the other end. (true story about the diesel oil. happened to me.)

Of course my son was beaming and shouting, "LOOK! I got one!" My son reeled in this huge catfish. I pulled out the little portable camera out of the tackle box and took a picture of my son and his fish. "Matt, can you stay and fish with us?" He asked unaware of the turmoil between Matt and I.

"Hey, buddy, I wish I could, but I just realized I need to get back and check on something. Can I get a rain check?"

"Sure, Matt," Joey said with a smile.

I followed Matt back to his truck and said, "Thank you for that."

"No problem. He is a great kid," Matt replied, knowing it was probably hard for her to say that given their earlier confrontation. He did not want to fight with her anymore. He decided there were other ways to skin a cat. And she was showing her claws and spitting like a cat. Maybe that might be worth exploring.

Chapter 4

Matt had come through the racers entrance. He had gotten there early on purpose. He had heard through the grapevine that Tori was still here and he wanted to see if he could find her. Matt hadn’t seen Tori in about four years and he didn’t know what to expect.

He had spent that time in Europe with his dad, who drove Formula One, racing and gaining experience. About two years after being in Europe, his dad had crashed and died. Matt stayed with the team for two more years, but in his heart he really wanted to drive NASCAR, so he came back to the U.S.
He managed to get on with a small circuit team to gain experience in driving stock cars. Also, he chose the small circuit since Tori’s dad still owned one, ensuring that he would eventually cross Tori’s path, and since it was one step down from NASCAR. A lot of scouts for major sponsors came to these tracks looking for the next Dale Earnhardt or Richard Petty.

Matt headed towards Tori’s garage. As he came up from behind the building, coming around the side, he heard voices. He peeked around the corner and saw Tori, her dad, and Joey, whom he remembered from before. Then he saw the little boy as Tori turned sideways to face her dad, and set the child on the ground. A kid. She had a kid. Obviously, the things they said when they were young didn’t seem to mean anything to her. When they said they would wait for each other, he supposed that it was said in the heat of the moment.

He peeked again and saw her dad, Joey and the boy walk off. He watched Tori sit down and stare off into space. The dog moved closer to her. She said something then just started bawling. It sounded so heartbroken it almost made him cry. He shifted his weight a bit causing some noise. She looked up and he flattened himself against the wall hoping she didn’t come over to investigate. 

After a few minutes of silence he looked again and she was gone.

Matt walked off back to his crew. He had so many questions going through his mind. The boy. Tori crying. He decided now was not the time to see Tori. He wondered about the boy. Was she married or not? Why was she crying? He shook his head as he walked away.

After walking into the garage I heard my stomach growl. I patted my belly and said to Rufus, "Hey boy. I’m hungry. Let’s go into town and get some breakfast."

Rufus licked his chops and said, "Woof!"

I grabbed my keys, locked up the garage, and walked to my truck, opening the passenger door for Rufus. I said ‘truck dog’ and he jumped up onto the seat. I rolled down the window and shut the door before walking to my side of the truck. I climbed up, started the engine and drove towards the back entrance, where the drivers and their rigs came in and out. 

I saw Dan, who watched the gate. I pulled up to the booth and he said, "Hey Tori. On your way out?"

"Hey Dan. Yeah, I am on my way to town if anyone asks. I am going over to the diner for some breakfast. Do you want me to deliver any loves words for you?" Dan was married to Anne who waitresses over at the diner and who was my best friend.

Dan blushed and said, "Tori! You always manage to catch me off guard." He shook his head, smiled, and replied, "Just tell her I’ll be over later for lunch," as he lifted the bar and said, "See ya later."

I waved and Rufus and I headed into town.

I parked the truck in front of the diner and picked a table by the window to keep an eye on the dog just in case he decided to take a walk around town. I sat down and Anne came over, pouring me some coffee and said, "Hi Hon. How are you?"

"Fine, Anne. How are you?" I asked.

"Busy, as you can see. What can I get you?" She asked as she tucked a stray strand of dark hair back behind her ear, looking a little frazzled.

"The usual and can I get an extra side of sausage and bacon for Rufus?"

"Sure, Hon," she said as she wrote on her little pad.

"Oh and Dan said Hi and that he’ll be over for lunch."

"Thanks." Anne smiled and walked off to turn in my order.

I got up and went to get a paper so I would have something to read while I waited for my food. About ten minutes later Anne brought my food over and said, "Give me a few minutes and I can take a break and come visit."

"OK. I am just going to walk this out to Rufus and I will be right back." I took Rufus his treat, which was gone before I could shut the door. "Did you even taste that?" I asked. “You stay and be a good boy." I went back in and started to eat my own food."

I was almost done when Anne came over and sat down. "Whew," she said, "the rush is finally over."

"I’m glad you could come over and visit," I said.

"I know. And you don’t come to town often enough. You always hide yourself out at the track," she said in mock admonishment.

"It is racing season so things are busy," I said, knowing it was a weak excuse. I would just rather stay close to home and avoid all the looks and stares I still got sometimes.

Anne understood and said, changing the subject, "Did you hear?"

"Hear what?" I asked eating the last bite of eggs.

"Matt’s back," she said softly.

I choked on my eggs, coughing, and reaching for my water glass.

"I’m sorry," Anne said, I didn’t meant to catch you off guard. "I figured you already knew and would confirm it."

Finally catching my breath, I said weakly, "No. I did not know."

Chapter 3

I pushed over a crate with my foot, sat down and leaned up against the door frame of the garage, gazing outside, not really seeing anything. God, I hated when the two of them kept stirring up the past. I couldn’t stop the memories that came bubbling up, threatening to overwhelm me…..

……We were lying in the field out behind my house, underneath the big oak tree. It was late September and our racing season was over and all the drivers were moving on to other tracks.

"Matt," I sighed, "I wish you didn’t have to go." Matt and I had been friends for a long time. He’d show up with his dad, when they raced here at our track and leave when the races were over. Through the years they had gone from being friends to boyfriend and girlfriend, albeit long distance. Every season it got harder and harder to say goodbye.

Matt rolled on his side, propped himself up on an elbow and looked down on me, his blue eyes searching my face. "Tori," he said, his knuckles stroking my arm, "I love you."

"I love you too, Mattie," I said, my heart in my eyes. "I don’t want you to go."

"I know. I don’t want to either, but my dream is to be a race car driver. I have to go. You know that, right? I need the experience," Matt said earnestly.

Matt always got excited whenever he talked about his dream to drive in a NASCAR race. "I know Matt, but it doesn’t make it any easier." I sighed.
It was easier for me when Matt was around. I had grown up, if 17 was grown up, and I was starting to attract men’s attention and strangers made me uneasy. "I want you to succeed Mattie, really. I believe in you." I smiled and added lightly, "Maybe I can be your crew chief someday."

"I would like that. You are a whiz at cars." Matt leaned over and kissed me tenderly. Then he blurted out, "Wait for me Tori. Don’t go and marry someone else."

I loved Mattie with all my heart. I would wait forever or at least I thought so at 17. "I love you with all my heart, Matt. I’ll wait for you. Just promise me the same. I don’t want you to marry some sophisticated french woman," I said with a coy pout.

He laughed and said, ‘"Never."

The two of us walked back to Matt’s dad’s trailer. I stood there watching and waving as they drove off….

……Rufus’s whine brought me back to the present. He had come over to sit between my legs and gave me a lick with his tongue. I placed his bear like face between my hands and said, "I know Dad and Joey mean well but I wish they would stop bringing up the past. It makes it so hard to forget." I had to fight all the time to keep a tight control on my emotions so I didn’t break down in front of people and to be strong for Joey. I wrapped my arms around Rufus and cried on his soft furry shoulder.

After a bit I looked up thinking I heard something or at least Rufus did judging by the rumbling in his chest. God, they had me all jittery with their talk. I absently ran my hand along my lower leg where I wore a small knife strapped to my ankle. Never was I going to be defenseless again. The feeling of being watched finally went away and Rufus stopped his growling. I sighed and stood up, snapping my fingers for Rufus to follow and went back inside.

Chapter 2

I had just gotten started when I heard,"Goddammit Tori! Your dad is gonna have my ass if he finds out you were down here by yourself. How come you didn’t knock on my door?"

"Jesus, Joey, you scared the crap outta me. Be quiet and have some coffee. I just put on a fresh pot. And to answer your question, I just wanted to be by myself. I am so tired of being baby-sat. Not that I don’t enjoy your company, Cuz, but sometimes I think dad is too overprotective," I said, still a little bit irritated at being scared half to death.

Joey was a good man and my best friend. He was tall and broad shouldered with unruly brown hair and cocoa colored eyes that twinkled with good humor. But he could be a pain in the tuchus with his watch dogging."He has every right to be after what happened. He is afraid it will happen again. You need a man. If you had a man, a lot of these men would back off," Joey said in exasperation, running a hand through his hair, making his hair even messier.

I was well aware of that, as I got hit on all the time. "Joey, drop it. I don’t want to talk about it. It’s over and done with. Aaannnddd..I don’t need a man," I said, walking over to Joey with his coffee, since he didn’t go get it, punching him in the arm, "because I have you."

"Tori, you know what I mean," he said softly.

"I know, Joey," I said soberly, "And you still know why." 

It was the same sore subject and after all this time, it was still hard to talk about it.

"So," Joey asked, finally changing the subject, "Where is Little Joe?" He leaned his hip against the workbench, sipping his coffee, watching his cousin’s face light up, as it always did when she talked about Little Joe.

Smiling, I said, "Little Joe is still at the house with his grandpa, sleeping. They will be down later. Come on, let’s get this stuff done before people start showing up."

Getting back to work, Joey and I worked in silence for the next couple of hours.I had just finished putting the carburetor back on and completed the diagnostics when I heard the patter of running feet and a barking dog. I straightened up and walked up to the door of the garage, looking out towards the open area in front of the garage. 

There he came, running pel mel towards me, our rottweiler, Rufus, loping along side the little boy, and the older man walking behind the two.

"Mommy! Mommy!" The little boy yelled.

I bent down to catch him as he threw himself into my arms, wrapping his little boy arms around my neck. I stood up, hugging him and twirled him around once, and asked, "How is my big boy doing this morning?"

"I’m good mommy," Joey said giving me another hug. Then pulling back a bit and putting his little hands on my face and said excitedly, his eyes all big, "Mommy, guess what?"

"What, Baby?" I asked in mock wonderment, looking into his cherubic face.

"Grandpa’s taking me to the parts store," he said happily.

I looked over at my dad who had finally caught up to his grandson and he said, "I told him if he ate his breakfast I would take him into town with me."

I leaned over and gave my dad a peck on the cheek and said, "Thank you." Looking back at Little Joey, I asked, "So did you eat all your breakfast?"

"Uh huh," he replied, shaking his head up and down.

Kissing him on the forehead, I said, "Good boy." I set him down, so I could talk to my dad, when Little Joe spotted Big Joe coming from the back room, exclaiming, "BIG JOE!"

"LITTLE JOE!" My cousin yelled, swinging Joey up and putting him on his shoulders.

"Look mommy, I am taller than you."

"Yes, I see," I said, "You be careful up there."

"Ahh, mom," he said rolling his little green eyes.

Smiling, I shook my head. He was too cute and growing up so fast.

"Well sport," my dad said, "let’s get going."

"Ok. Can Big Joe come too?" He asked.

They all looked at me for an answer. "Go. All of you," I said, "I’ll be fine. I have Rufus here."

Dad, looking reluctant to go, but blessedly didn’t comment, said, "OK. We’ll be back before the races this afternoon."

"OK, Dad, thanks for taking Joey with you. I’ll be fine," I said, again, giving him a hug and a kiss. Then watched the three of them drive off in the truck.

Chapter 1


Tori is the female character…I always write it so you, the reader, can pretend to be the main character.
Matt is Jon.

Big Joe is Richie.

Little Joe….is named after the song Joey from Bounce (even tho he isn’t slow. Just that I was writing this when the CD came out and liked the feel of loyalty from the song).

The rest is fiction.

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I walked across the empty parking lot towards one of the gates that took me inside the raceway. Walking through one of the tunnels running under the bleachers, I came out of the tunnel to overlook the racetrack. It never failed to bring on a jolt of excitement every time I saw the track. I stopped for a second to watch the sun trying to come up over the opposite bleachers, enjoying the beautiful golden glow, despite the darkness still shrouding the track.

I moved on, walking down a set of stairs, going through another gate and out onto the track heading towards the infield. I had a lot to do before the races started for the day. I passed all the individual pit areas for the racers, heading towards our garage. Taking out my keys I unlocked the doors and threw up one of the floor to ceiling rolling doors, leaving the other closed. I had a carburetor to finish on one car and a timing belt on another.

I had been doing this all my life. Dad had owned the track for as long as I could remember. I have been jonesin’ after cars since I could walk. My mom passed away when I was young leaving my dad to raise me. Cars and racing is all I know. I dabbled in go-carts when I was younger, but found I had a talent for fixing cars. (Think of the movie Six Pack with Kenny the character Doc..the young kid)

Racing is a hard sport for women. The track offered special races for women only drivers consisting of mostly local women and wives and girlfriends of the regular drivers. I drove in these sometimes when I felt the need for speed.