Sunday, August 16, 2020

Chapter 6 The End

Tori was silent on the way home, talking only to answer her son’s naturally inquisitive question. I can’t believe I lost it like that, I thought. I had planned to just act like nothing happened between Matt and I, to just be friends. But he had to go accuse her of cheating or something, and all she really wanted was to lean on him. To have him hold her once again and make her world normal. But that can never be. I sighed and decided to let it go for now.

About a week later, Matt followed Tori into town. Yeah, he knew it was sort of low down, but she seemed to have disappeared off the face of the earth. Every time he went by the shop she was gone or on an errand or up at the house. She had gone into a drug store. A few minutes later he went in and spotted her by the greeting card section. He was all set to head over there when he overheard two old women two isles over.

"I can’t believe she is still around," one old lady huffed.

"I know. After what happened, her father should have shipped her to distant relative or something, to avoid the shame," the other crone cackled.

"She should have put the baby up for adoption instead of bringing the bastard here," the first one spewed out in ignorance.

Matt stood there, stunned at the women’s nastiness, when all of a sudden one of them tooted. They giggled. Matt smiled in wickedness and decided payback is a bitch. He walked over to the two ladies and said, "Good one." They sputtered in indignation and embarrassment and walked off. Serves then right, he thought. He reached the isle he thought Tori was in and found her gone. Damn.

Though, what those old biddies said gave him some food for thought. Maybe he had it all wrong about Tori. They seemed to imply that something other than Tori not waiting for him had happened. Maybe he should give her the benefit of the doubt. He found a flowery card that was blank in side and took it up to the cash register to purchase.

He walked over to the diner and was seated at a booth.

The waitress said, "Hi Matt. You probably don’t remember me."

He looked up and said, "You’re Anne. Tori’s friend,"

"I am," she smiled pouring him some coffee. "What brings you to town?" Even though she already knew.

Matt suspected she was fishing for information, but played it cool. "I am racing here in the US. My dad raced formula one, but my first love is NASCAR. And to get there I have to start on the smaller tracks. I am trying to gain experience and to get noticed." He thanked her for the coffee and asked, "So what have you been up to since I left?"

"I got married to Dan. He works out at the track."

"I will have to make sure I say hi to him," Matt replied. "I’ve seen Tori a few times at the track since I’ve been back, but I haven’t had a chance to say hi." Matt was fairly confident that Tori hadn’t said anything about their confrontation the other day and was hoping she hadn’t told Anne. "So what has she been up to?"

"Oh. My. Look at the time. I didn’t realize how long I had been sitting here chit chatting. What can I get you to eat Matt?" She said hurriedly.

Matt took that as a no and said, "Can I get eggs over easy, some bacon and sausage and toast?"

"Sure. I will be back shortly with your order." And she skeedaddled off to put in his order and help her other customers. He was more intrigued than ever. He filled out the card while he was waiting for his food. He decided an apologetic, I still want to be friends, and I am here if you want to talk approach might be a better way to go.

Anne had brought him his food and he ate in silence. When he was finished he said good bye to Anne, and handed her the card and asked her to give it to Tori for him. He left before she could say no
It was late the next day before Anne came to the garage and handed Tori the card.

"Hi, Anne. How are you? What brings you out here?" I asked, looking up from some welding that I was doing.

"I brought Dan his dinner and I wanted to stop by and say hi."

She looked like there was more on her mind, so I asked, "You look like you have something on your mind besides just saying HI."

She looked a bit sheepish, reached into her pocket and pulled out a card. "Here."

I took it and said, "It’s not my birthday."

"It’s not from me," she said.

Curious, I opened it. I scanned the contents; my face looking like a storm just blew in.

"So, what does it say?" Anne asked, the suspense killing her.

I pulled down the welders mask, turned the flame on and set it to the card, watching it burn for a few seconds before dropping it into an empty metal trash can. "It didn’t say anything that I wanted to hear."


"Sorry, Anne. I love you like a sister but this is between him and I. And I have nothing to say." Wanting to change the subject, I asked, "How is Dan? What did your magic fingers make him for dinner?"

Anne, resigned to not knowing, for now, said, "Just the roast beef special from the diner."

"Mmmm, sounds good. Which reminds me, I haven’t eaten. Do you want to come with me over to the house? You could see Joey while I eat?"

"No. I think I am going to go. I have some things to do at home before Dan gets home." She hugged me and left.

I went up to the house to get something to eat anyway. Later I had gone back to the garage to clean up and lock up. Dad, Big Joe and Little Joey had gone to town for ice cream.

I heard a noise and Rufus growled. I looked into the shadows at the back of the garage and said, "Who’s there?" as I clenched my hand around a very large wrench. Rufus stood and leaned against my leg, his chest rumbling.
I saw the body come into the light and saw it was Matt. Inwardly I was so happy to see him, but outwardly I chose not to show it. I was still upset about all of this since the fishing trip.

"What do you want. I am closed. Come back during business hours," I said coldly.

"I see your disposition hasn’t changed," he said. Coming closer, he asked softly, "Did you get my card?"

"I did. I filed it over there," I said pointing to the trashcan. I studiously avoided looking at him, cause he would probably see right through me.

He walked up to me, grabbed my arm and spun me around. "Alright. I get that somehow I pissed you off. Tell me, what did I do wrong? What did I say that was so wrong? If I did something bad, tell me. I will try to fix it. I’ll apologize for it. What! Just stop fucking ignoring me."

I jerked my hand out of his arm and walked off a little bit. "I am not yours to bully. I am pissed because you accused me of not waiting,” I emphasized sarcastically. “You have no idea what has happened in my life and no right to accuse me of anything. I am sure you were not pure while you were gone, but you don’t see me berating you."

Matt sighed. "Then tell me Tori. Tell me what I need to know. Tell me so I can stop screwing up in your eyes." He looked at me. His eyes pleading. I could never hold out for long.

With my eyes on the floor, and my cheeks suffused in red from embarrassment and such a feeling of being no good and dirty, I whispered, "I was raped." I stood there wishing the floor would open up and swallow me.

"What?" He asked, not wanting to believe what he was hearing.

I took it wrong and thought he was not believing me, like I was lying. "I WAS RAPED!!! OK?! Are you satisfied that I have humiliated myself to you?!" I clapped my hands over my mouth. I had never told any one else outside of the people who knew. I was so embarrassed and upset that I ran out of the garage, not really paying attention to were I was going. I cried. Tears streaming down my face. I barely heard him yelling my name as he ran after me, Rufus trailing along, barking, not sure what to do, if this man was friend or foe.
Maybe, subconsciously, or on purpose, I don’t know, but I ended up at our tree. I couldn’t run any farther, as it felt like my heart would just leap out of my chest. I sat down panting and practically choking from trying to catch my breath and crying.

Matt and Rufus found her lying on her side head face buried in her arms, crying like the world was coming to an end. Seeing as how Rufus didn’t seem inclined to eat him, he sat down next to Tori, trying to say something comforting, but settled for rubbing her arm for a second.

"Go away," I mumbled, though not putting up a fight. I didn’t have any fight left.

"Tori, I don’t know what to say. I am sorry for the way I treated you. I never should have assumed anything. I was hurt when I saw Joey. I thought you had gone straight to someone else right after I left. Joey is about the right age." Matt tugged on her till she was sitting up and he was holding her in his arms and rubbing her back. Her sobbing was slowing down to some sniffles and hiccups.

"Baby, sweetheart. Please tell me what happened. I want to understand."

I wrapped my arms around Matt. It felt so good to have someone strong hold me so I didn’t have to be strong. I proceeded to tell Matt everything from that night that I could remember. It had happened right after him and his dad had left and I was walking back home in the dark. I had never seen or heard the person again so he was never caught. "I will never forget the tattoo on his hand or his voice as long as I live," I said vehemently. "But, Joey does not know. I do not want him to grow up with some stigma. Maybe I will let him know when he is older." I looked at Matt. "Promise me you will not tell him."

"Oh, God! Tori. I am so sorry. You have my word I won’t tell Joey. I never stopped loving you." He leaned down and kissed me hugging me tightly.

"Oh, Matt. Love me. Love me back to life," I pleaded, pulling him down for another kiss, willing him to love me and never let me go again.

The End.